Together we can make a difference
To enable the Western Bay of Plenty Health Foundation to grow our fund so we can ensure the long-term financial sustainability and development, we need your support.
There are two key ways to help (or you might consider both).
If you wish to leave a gift in your will, options to consider for bequeathing include:
Nominating a Specified Sum
This is a common form of gift in a will. As it is not inflation proof you may wish to review the amount every 5-7 years.
Making a Percentage Bequest
This is when a specific proportion of your estate is gifted to the Western Bay of Plenty Health Foundation. This is inflation proof.
Making a Specific Contingent Bequest
This comes into effect only if your primary intention cannot be met (for example, in the absence of surviving family members).
Making a Residuary Bequest
After providing for family and friends, the remainder of your estate is gifted to the Western Bay of Plenty Health Foundation.
The Gifting of an AssetÂ
A specified gift is left to the Western Bay of Plenty Health Foundation. This could be shares, property, jewellery, an insurance policy or other items. These then could be retained as a capital investment or sold to raise funds.
If you wish to make a donation, please get in touch and we can provide you with a simple form which includes our bank details. We will need some information from you so that we can issue you with your tax receipt.
Should you or your adviser wish to find out more about the Western Bay of Plenty Health Foundation before any decisions are made, please get in touch. Or if you have other ideas for how to support us, then we would be pleased to connect with you to ascertain the most efficient way for you to make your gift.
You can tag your bequest or gift to one of our services shown below, or you can leave it untagged for our Trustee's to determine the best use or investment decision.
We encourage you to discuss your plans with your legal adviser/solicitor and your family.
Facilities and Equipment
To provide, enhance or add to healthcare facilities and equipment.
Workforce Capability
To build professional development and health workforce capability by contributing to and funding the education and training of health professionals by way of scholarships, research, fellowships and education programmes.
Patient Care
To develop funding and/or contribute to patient care and support service initiatives.
Collaboration and Partnership
To fund, partner or collaborate with other organisations with objects which align with the Trust's objectives and are successfully improving health and wellbeing outcomes in the community.
Additional Services / Critical Projects
To facilitate additional services or critical projects that align with the Trust's objectives.